Sunday, 15 August 2010

Day 1 - Value

Task: Create a bank note for the country you come from.
I used a swan swimming in a lake as the character, as we're so close to the nature and it's often used as the symbol for Finland. The waves represent thousands of lakes, and the wavy round shape in the middle comes from an 'Aalto maljakko', which is a vase designed by Alvar Aalto, a famous Finnish architect.

Task: Make a sign for a homeless person begging for money.

Task: Come up with a credit card that you would like.
I made all the numbers and logos very small, and placed a space for a photo in the middle. User can pick any photo they want, and they can change it whenever by flicking through to the next one using the touch screen.

Task: Modify the photocopy of a 10 pound note.
I coloured it brownish tone, to show the age. I placed it into a decorated frame which can be hung on the wall, predicting how paper money will soon be history.

Task: Make a piece of jewellery Fidel Castro will endorse.
I made a necklace which acts as a cup for drinking rum. It's made out of 
recyclable materials, and has a star shape cut out from the red base, as in the 
Cuban flag.

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